If you've looked into network marketing (MLM, direct sales) opportunities, you've surely come across those that tell you "you're in the right place at the right time," that it's a ground-floor opportunity. There is a definite value to being in at the beginning if a company is going to last, but one thing you should NOT believe is that you'll never see another ground-floor opportunity. They happen every day.
What IS unusual is to find a GREAT company at the beginning. Most of what you find in network marketing is:
If you find THAT kind of value AND you are among the first to join, this can really help out. Some compensation plans (like forced matrices) naturally give the advantage to those who are in first. But even in a unilevel plan (which I happen to like as inherently the fairest type), the first people to learn about and ACT on an opportunity are those who have the chance to invest their time into sharing information online and building up a search engine presence. This early investment of time can pay off for years to come, and if they will spend that time to really share the program, it can turn into the kind of income most network marketers dream about. Success will of course still come back to how well the company runs the show. But there's no question that claiming an early stake can offer a meaningful advantage. I believe that kind of opportunity is available to those who stake a claim in ChocoNat in 2012, since ChocoNat offers a better product and better value than most in its niche (yes, compared to RETAIL) and as of April 2012 there are probably no more than 100 members in North America. If you want to take a look at ChocoNat, know that I am only taking DIRECT team members until I have 20-30 who are truly active in the business, at which point I'll start directing all my future prospects their way. Most important to me: those who have a passion for the product, a long-term vision for working together, and a desire to do business honestly, to learn, to educate, and to have fun along the way. Know of a new company (2011 or 2012) that you think doesn't just push money around but that has a truly valuable product or service? Comment here with your link in the "Website" field. (It will then be a live link.) I will review the link and if I don't think it's just a money pusher, I'll approve your comment. Make sure there's value to the comment as well -- no spam! ;)
4/9/2012 04:52:30 am
Click on the 'target' on the left to see a video about the highest paying company in the industry. Where else can you get paid when people play games on your website for FREE?
Banners Broker is a 2 year old truely international company, but relatively new to the US. During those 2 years most of the glitches, experienced by a new fast-growing ( over 100,000 members now)
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AuthorI'm an author and professional writer / marketer with an interest in gathering teams of those who want to learn, grow progressive businesses, have fun, and make a difference. Archives
December 2022