Any time a new network marketing company opens its doors, there are those who will jump on the opportunity and hype it with big money $ign$ in their eyes. They'll assure you that the opportunity is the greatest thing since sliced bread, even when it's just some sort of money scheme featuring a dull digital product to cover up the money game. If it's a new nutritional product, they'll try to assure you that no product has ever solved so many health problems. And they'll do everything they can to convince you that you've never seen an opportunity like this one for making so much money.
So it's no surprise that there's a lot of hype around the new healthy food company Yevo. The question is, is Yevo worth the hype? I like the potential of Yevo, although I haven't yet seen the food packages or tried the food. I like the idea that it's patented, that it is $5 or less per meal, that it provides honest and broad nutrition, and that it's convenient. I like that it's positioning itself in what I believe to be the largest industry in the world (more than 100 times larger than the supplement industry). I like that it's a potential solution for so many people. And because it's a real product that offers a lot of value in the world's largest industry, I do talk about it as having perhaps the largest potential I've seen of any MLM. But the larger question here -- what I'm really asking -- is whether Yevo is worth the hype to you. In your life. Is it worth having people jack you up on hype so you'll turn around and hype the message to other people? Is it worth being sold on someone's hype rather than experiencing something that holds value for you and that -- in turn -- you'd like to share? Is it worth joining Yevo with someone who believes in hype and who, when helping you to share Yevo with your prospects, you fear will push hype toward your friends and family? Is ANY opportunity worth listening to and spreading hype and potentially alienating those you're close with? Or would you prefer taking an honest look at an honest opportunity -- something I believe Yevo offers, since it holds value -- and sharing the simple message of something that's convenient, affordable, and can make a real difference in one's life? I've asked the question in a way that makes it sound like you should never take the route of hype, because that's my preference. But honestly, it's hard for us in any area of life to share something without some level of excitement, bias, or interest. So it's all about drawing the line at the right place. My goal is always to educate others as to the way I understand something, then inviting them to see if it offers something they're looking for. By not investing myself in the end result, I can leave them in freedom and keep myself in integrity; and when this results in a partnership because they become interested and join me in something, then I have a more fulfilling foundation with them to work from. I hope this gives you pause to thought on the matter of any network marketing company, who to work with, and how to promote. And if this message resonates with you and you'd like my assistance with growing a Yevo business, I welcome you to join my Yevo team.
I write a lot about home business opportunities on this website, especially on what to look for and what to avoid. In all this, I talk about MLM and what I don't like about it ... while recognizing its potential to be a great business model. Here's a quick review of my key points, which explains my excitement for a new opportunity:
Based on these points, I'm excited by the opportunity in Yevo, which is expected to pre-launch on November 19. This is because Yevo is rolling out a line of food that will be convenient, affordable, and NUTRITIOUS -- aimed at solving our cultural problem of failing to get essential nutrients from our food. This appeals to me individually, so I don't expect to ever worry about how many referrals I've made. I can be happy with the product I'm receiving for my own use. Since the product is unique, it doesn't need to compete directly on price with similar retail products, but it still has to consider people's meal budgets. Fortunately, meals are expected to cost between $3.50 and $5 -- much what people already spend on lunch and dinner (even much less in many cases) while being far more nutritious. So I can feel that I'm getting and sharing a great value. And of course food is one of the world's largest industries, if not THE largest industry. (About $4.3 TRILLION per year.) So there's plenty of demand, and there's plenty of demand for solutions to our extensive health problems. So this brings together a lot of what I'm interested in. While I do expect Yevo to have a traditional compensation plan (I'm a fan of much simpler plans than most company's offer), at the end of the day my goal is first to have a product I want and that I think valuable to share. If I can then get paid for sharing, this is a bonus, and I will take what's there. I think most networkers will be very happy with their plan, as I may be one of the few pushing for something new. Not sure. Yevo is expecting to pre-launch on November 19 and begin shipping product in early 2015. I look forward to experiencing the meals and seeing how people respond to getting serious nutrition into their bodies. I plan on sharing, and invite you to join if you're interested in support from someone who does digital marketing for a living! :) |
AuthorI'm an author and professional writer / marketer with an interest in gathering teams of those who want to learn, grow progressive businesses, have fun, and make a difference. Archives
December 2022