MLM Success Tips -- Step by Step Online Strategy
There are many ways to find success in MLM or network marketing, and this can involve home parties, public presentations, handing out business cards, posting flyers, etc. Some people LIKE doing these things, and get great results with them. There's nothing inherently wrong with them.
But some people are uncomfortable with these options, or don't find success this way. And most have learned the hard way not to pressure friends and family about MLM business opportunities.
Luckily, we live in the internet age, and if you're willing to put in regular time with the right approach, you can find people reaching out to you to learn more about your MLM opportunity and joining your team. This will be a lengthy article, but hopefully well worth your time.
But some people are uncomfortable with these options, or don't find success this way. And most have learned the hard way not to pressure friends and family about MLM business opportunities.
Luckily, we live in the internet age, and if you're willing to put in regular time with the right approach, you can find people reaching out to you to learn more about your MLM opportunity and joining your team. This will be a lengthy article, but hopefully well worth your time.
Step 1 -- Get in Early, but ...
Any MLM worth its salt should be as valuable for the last person joining as the first one -- at least from a product value standpoint. If the product (or service) isn't a good value, then steer clear in the first place, because your work will fall to pieces sooner or later.
Also, you don't have to be "first in" to build a strong income with MLM, because there are 300 million people in the US and 7 billion worldwide. These numbers are vast, and you should never run out of people to market to.
BUT ... there's no doubt that being among the first people involved in a successful company (even outside of MLM) poses a serious advantage, especially when you market online because you stand to enjoy a lot more visibility if you get to work quickly with your online content.
JUST BE CAREFUL: there are ALWAYS new MLMs launching, and you don't have to jump on the first one you find. Make sure it looks professional from the moment you land on their website. (You know what garbage websites look like. Avoid those -- which are the majority.) Make sure the entire plan is based on an honest value even for those who earn nothing from the business; this way you can retain customers. And make sure you can understand the compensation plan, and that it seems fair to ALL levels of members.
At the end of the day, find a great value that you're really passionate about ... even if you're not one of the early ones. After all, you want something you can successfully market. But if you can be among the early people, take advantage of that.
Also, you don't have to be "first in" to build a strong income with MLM, because there are 300 million people in the US and 7 billion worldwide. These numbers are vast, and you should never run out of people to market to.
BUT ... there's no doubt that being among the first people involved in a successful company (even outside of MLM) poses a serious advantage, especially when you market online because you stand to enjoy a lot more visibility if you get to work quickly with your online content.
JUST BE CAREFUL: there are ALWAYS new MLMs launching, and you don't have to jump on the first one you find. Make sure it looks professional from the moment you land on their website. (You know what garbage websites look like. Avoid those -- which are the majority.) Make sure the entire plan is based on an honest value even for those who earn nothing from the business; this way you can retain customers. And make sure you can understand the compensation plan, and that it seems fair to ALL levels of members.
At the end of the day, find a great value that you're really passionate about ... even if you're not one of the early ones. After all, you want something you can successfully market. But if you can be among the early people, take advantage of that.
Step 2 -- Build a Website

Sound scary? Don't worry -- building a website is NOT hard these days if you use the right tools. And you need a home for building a lot of content over time. Sound like work? It is. I'm not promising you money for nothing like a lot of garbage programs out there.
I highly, highly recommend Weebly as the best balance of "easy" and "flexible." Learn more about using Weebly here.
Wordpress is the most popular and has a lot of plug-ins, but it's more complicated than Weebly and can be overwhelming. Wix is another that looks really popular these days, though I still found Weebly simpler to use when I tried Wix. Bottom line, get something you're very comfortable with and even have fun with -- fun means you're more likely to keep using it, which you have to do for online success.
Like others, Weebly does have a free option, although you can also upgrade for extra features. Given that you can build your entire empire online for under $10/month, I consider the upgrades worthwhile.
Your goal on a site is simple: build content that helps other people. If they're looking for information on the business you're building, give them the best information they can find. Help them understand the products or services (without making illegal claims or claims the company doesn't want you making). ALWAYS avoid making claims about how much money you're making or suggesting someone else will make a certain amount. Basically, explain how it all works and why YOU are a fan of the company. Share your enthusiasm with YOUR voice, which will attract people who resonate with your message.
Writing might not be your forte, but do your best to share something of value, even if the writing isn't perfect. Many people are looking for the MEAT rather than the sizzle. Some written info is important for search engine indexing. But also don't hesitate to make audios and videos to include on your site if this appeals to you.
I personally recommend making a number of primary pages on your site -- a home page; about the products / services; about the opportunity; about you; a contact page. See my Weebly article for information on search engine optimization as well. Then add a blog (easy with Weebly) for frequently updating your site. Once a week or more, use the blog to talk about how you're enjoying the business; what benefits you're getting from being involved; what the current promotions are; where you'll be making a presentation; etc. Consider this your news channel and keep it updated. Google likes fresh content, and it likes unique content, and it likes more than a couple sentences at a time. Writing something of meaningful length and substance.
At the end of the day, you are trying to help others and BUILD TRUST. Without this, people won't join you or the company. If they trust the company but not you, they'll look for someone else to join. So be real, help them learn what they need to, and welcome them to get in touch with questions. Also include a "JOIN" button or link very visibly.
When building a site, remember the terms of agreement of the business you're trying to promote. You usually CANNOT use its name within your URL (the website address). People often use a company name in a URL to get better search engine rankings (yes, it often seems to help). But they risk having their sites shut down by the company -- which means having to start all over (in building search engine rankings) after months of work. So make sure you know what you're allowed to do; think "long term" for your success.
You also typically can't promote another program on a site dedicated to one business. And some companies prevent you from putting them on ANY site that has other referral programs. Yuck.
I highly, highly recommend Weebly as the best balance of "easy" and "flexible." Learn more about using Weebly here.
Wordpress is the most popular and has a lot of plug-ins, but it's more complicated than Weebly and can be overwhelming. Wix is another that looks really popular these days, though I still found Weebly simpler to use when I tried Wix. Bottom line, get something you're very comfortable with and even have fun with -- fun means you're more likely to keep using it, which you have to do for online success.
Like others, Weebly does have a free option, although you can also upgrade for extra features. Given that you can build your entire empire online for under $10/month, I consider the upgrades worthwhile.
Your goal on a site is simple: build content that helps other people. If they're looking for information on the business you're building, give them the best information they can find. Help them understand the products or services (without making illegal claims or claims the company doesn't want you making). ALWAYS avoid making claims about how much money you're making or suggesting someone else will make a certain amount. Basically, explain how it all works and why YOU are a fan of the company. Share your enthusiasm with YOUR voice, which will attract people who resonate with your message.
Writing might not be your forte, but do your best to share something of value, even if the writing isn't perfect. Many people are looking for the MEAT rather than the sizzle. Some written info is important for search engine indexing. But also don't hesitate to make audios and videos to include on your site if this appeals to you.
I personally recommend making a number of primary pages on your site -- a home page; about the products / services; about the opportunity; about you; a contact page. See my Weebly article for information on search engine optimization as well. Then add a blog (easy with Weebly) for frequently updating your site. Once a week or more, use the blog to talk about how you're enjoying the business; what benefits you're getting from being involved; what the current promotions are; where you'll be making a presentation; etc. Consider this your news channel and keep it updated. Google likes fresh content, and it likes unique content, and it likes more than a couple sentences at a time. Writing something of meaningful length and substance.
At the end of the day, you are trying to help others and BUILD TRUST. Without this, people won't join you or the company. If they trust the company but not you, they'll look for someone else to join. So be real, help them learn what they need to, and welcome them to get in touch with questions. Also include a "JOIN" button or link very visibly.
When building a site, remember the terms of agreement of the business you're trying to promote. You usually CANNOT use its name within your URL (the website address). People often use a company name in a URL to get better search engine rankings (yes, it often seems to help). But they risk having their sites shut down by the company -- which means having to start all over (in building search engine rankings) after months of work. So make sure you know what you're allowed to do; think "long term" for your success.
You also typically can't promote another program on a site dedicated to one business. And some companies prevent you from putting them on ANY site that has other referral programs. Yuck.
Step 3 -- Build a List
Somewhere on your website, you'll want to include a "lead capture form" where you can get people to give you their name and e-mail address. This allows you to contact them by e-mail any time. Importantly, it also allows you to enter them into an AUTOMATIC series of e-mails, known as autoresponders. These go out over several days without you having to do anything (once you have them set up).
Most people need to hear about something several times before they take action. Also, you have to catch them at the right time with the right message. This is why autoresponders are so useful -- you can share different aspects (benefits) of your business, hoping to find the benefit they most resonate with. And with each e-mail, you're branding the business and building a relationship with the person if you're providing them with useful information about it.
And by the way ... you also build trust when you help them learn about RELATED things, or anything they would find useful, because you show them that you're not just trying to make a sale, but are trying to help them out. Of course keep it RELEVANT to the list so people don't complain that you're spamming them.
Several systems are very good, but if you're building an MLM business, you MUST use a system that allows you to send MLM emails. Most do not.
Therefore, I only recommend 2, and I talk about them here.
I've put the rest of my tips into my FREE Ebook.
Most people need to hear about something several times before they take action. Also, you have to catch them at the right time with the right message. This is why autoresponders are so useful -- you can share different aspects (benefits) of your business, hoping to find the benefit they most resonate with. And with each e-mail, you're branding the business and building a relationship with the person if you're providing them with useful information about it.
And by the way ... you also build trust when you help them learn about RELATED things, or anything they would find useful, because you show them that you're not just trying to make a sale, but are trying to help them out. Of course keep it RELEVANT to the list so people don't complain that you're spamming them.
Several systems are very good, but if you're building an MLM business, you MUST use a system that allows you to send MLM emails. Most do not.
Therefore, I only recommend 2, and I talk about them here.
I've put the rest of my tips into my FREE Ebook.