Elsewhere I focus on what PennyPays offers as a service (which is FREE to join), since I only believe in programs with a strong product or service and NOT in programs whose sole focus is how you make money. If you have a serious product or service, then it's something you can sell and the revenue is legitimate.
But today I wanted to focus on how you can make money with PennyPays, because it's so affordable to take part and the revenue potential is so impressive. I'll start with the smaller, simpler ways to earn, and then explain the huge opportunity. As always, remember that these are examples only, and that your earnings strictly depend on how well you share the program and what your referrals do with it. Get Paid to Share Posts on Facebook
Get Paid when Others Share Posts on Facebook
As an upgraded member ($9.95/month), you can refer other people to the program. Whether they are upgraded or free members, they earn when they share posts, and you earn 10% of whatever they earn.
If your referrals upgrade and refer other people, you also get 5% of what those people earn for sharing posts. So if you referred 10 people who each made $30/month from sharing posts ($300 total for all 10), you would earn $30/month from them. If they all referred 5 more people who each made $30/month from sharing posts ($1500 for all 50), you would earn $75 from them. All together, that's more than $100/month in addition to your other earnings. Get Paid when Others Advertise
PennyPays is a powerful advertising opportunity for businesses, so you can basically sell advertising. You'll earn 10% of whatever someone spends on PennyPays advertising if you refer them. Even a local business can easily spend $100 or more every month on Facebook ads. Help them start spreading their message through post shares and start taking home 10% of that ad spend.
If some of those people / businesses refer others who also advertise, you'll earn 5% of those ad spends as well. Get Paid from the PennyPays Matrix
Of course usually speaking a matrix won't ever come close to filling up. Although in this case, given how many people may want to share posts (and get more money from each post), it's possible that thousands will join in your matrix. And while businesses don't have to upgrade to buy post shares (i.e., to buy advertising), they get discounted prices by upgrading, which puts them into the matrix as well.
Here's where it gets exciting: even though you don't have to refer anyone to earn money from this matrix (since people can be placed below you by others), if you DO refer people, you will match 100% of their matrix earnings. So if you earned $500 from the matrix and referred 3 people who each earned $250 from the matrix, you would earn $500 + $250 + $250 +$250 for a total of $1250/month. On that note, I'll leave you with their video which spells all this out more visually. And when you're ready to join as a free or upgraded member, join me here and I'll share with you any tips and tools I develop to grow this business.
Do you have a website you use to promote products or services? Do you promote other people's websites? If so, how would you like to put a spokesperson on your website OR someone else's website in just 2 minutes?
Read on for details, but the critical point is that this software, called VideoPal, is just $37 or less ONE TIME through February 24. After that it becomes a monthly fee, so NOW is the time to know about it. And when you purchase through me, I'll write your first script for your spokesperson! In just seconds, you can produce an animated spokesperson (a "VideoPal") like the one shown in the image here, giving it a voice with "text to speech" (just type and it talks) or upload your own recorded voice. Or you can record yourself with a green screen background and the software will remove that background and put you up as the spokesperson complete with transparent background. Either way you can greet people in a way that captures attention, sharing the most important features or benefits quickly. And you can do it on your own website or others, which is a great way to talk about affiliate products you're representing. If you like, you can even add an email capture form to build your mailing list with VideoPal. Click here to get my full review and the details of my exclusive offer of writing your first spokesperson script. The review will also let you see the spokesperson in action. I remember feeling lucky to have a job in college that I could walk to (and enjoyed) that paid around $8/hour. (According to the government's inflation calculator, that would be around $13/hour today.) But since the rise of the internet, I've often thought about how easily I could have made the same amount of extra cash for far less effort from the comfort of my own dorm room. I was putting in about 6 hours a week, earning close to $50 before taxes -- or $80 in today's dollars. It wouldn't take much to duplicate that online. In fact, just a few years out of college, I began writing online through my own website. A 2-3 hour job from my site could have equaled 10 hours I put in as an employee, and would have eliminated walking to and from work. This could have given me a lot more free time, or a lot more cash. Of course there are plenty of ways to earn online, from offering your own products and services online to being an affiliate for other people's products and services. But there is a new way you can make money online without your own website and without the need for products and services. And it involves something you're probably already doing on Facebook. Sharing posts. I know, this sounds like one of those spam emails about Bill Gates paying you $1 for every person you forward the email to. It sounds too easy or too good to be true. But here's the thing: millions of businesses advertise on Facebook (how do you think Facebook is worth so much?), and one of the holy grails for those businesses is to have people share their posts. Why is this so valuable? Because normally a business has to pay for each individual view or click of their posts. When people share their posts, however, not only does the business get a kind of endorsement from that person to all their Facebook friends, but the business post can spread without them paying anything. Every share and all the views from those shares are free to the business. But those shares aren't always easy to get. Yet now a new platform lets businesses pay to have their posts shared through people with the right demographics and friend counts for their needs. That means YOU can get paid for sharing posts through a company called PennyPays. You still stay in FULL control of the posts you choose to share, so this isn't something that takes over your Facebook account. But you probably already share messages from businesses when you like what they have to say. What if they were willing to pay you, through this platform, to do that? This isn't a get rich scheme, because you won't get rich from sharing posts. You only make 5 to 90 cents per share, depending on your Friend count on Facebook. And how many shares you receive each month depends on whether your demographics fit the needs of businesses. (But do you think college students might appeal to a few businesses for sharing their messages?) Still, let's say you have 1000 Friends on Facebook. You'd make 50 cents per post shared, and if you only shared one per day, you'd make an extra $15/month doing this.* Now, there IS a way to make much more money with this. If I wanted to make $80 per week online while in college today, sharing a few posts and making $15/month wouldn't really cut it. I wouldn't mind the extra cash, but it wouldn't replace a job. Here's how you could turn it into a business though. There is an optional upgraded membership ($9.95/month) that does several things:
There are other potential elements of earning, and these can get enormous. But I'd rather be down to earth with you about earning potentials. If you focused on sharing an ad platform with local businesses and getting your friends to join for free -- because lots of LOCAL members is what makes this appealing to LOCAL businesses -- I believe you could eventually replace a part-time college income. You can, of course, aim bigger. And since I do marketing for a living, I'll be glad to answer your questions and help you along if you choose to join this program and want to market it to businesses. (I'll even jump on the phone with them if they want to learn about it -- they will still join under YOU and you will earn your 10% of their ad spend.) Only YOU know what you'll put into something like this. But I can tell you that if I were in college today, knowing what I know today, I would want to begin on the road to passive income like this. There's nothing wrong with a job that pays you for your hours, but that's not the way you'll ever get wealthy without becoming a corporate executive. A traditional job is good to have and to keep while you build something like this; but this extra work now can pay off for the long-term. * PennyPays launched in early 2017, so at the time of writing this, members aren't getting many posts to share. But these should ramp up as businesses discover this advertising opportunity and as new members join, helping businesses get more reach from the platform. Join for free and there's no risk to seeing what's sent your way! You can always upgrade later if you want to experience it first.
AuthorI'm an author and professional writer / marketer with an interest in gathering teams of those who want to learn, grow progressive businesses, have fun, and make a difference. Archives
December 2022